Welcome to PDX

Nurturing and managing data for better human & animal health outcomes

An agile Software as a Service (SaaS) company, developing sophisticated and tailored cloud-based software solutions. Our mission is to continually enhance the collection, storage, interpretation and delivery of health and veterinary data, to drive One Health benefits.

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Human Diagnostics & Vaccination Management

Providing tailored software and flexible, end-to-end data solutions, for human vaccination management, travel health and diagnostics (oncology, diabetes and gastric health), for laboratories, pharmacies, private clinics, travel clinics and other point of care (POC) providers handling samples or vaccinations.

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Animal Diagnostics & Vaccination Management

Using advanced, user-friendly software, to simplify and improve the remote collection of livestock and companion animal samples, to enhance veterinary care delivery, improve herd fertility and disease resilience and leverage the advantages of informed data analysis for animal health and welfare.

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Launch of Pinpoint Travel Health

After many months of development, we have now launched our our services directly to travellers via PinpointTravelHealth.com and will soon extend…

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Launch of Animal Health and Welfare Pathway Review System

VetDX launches a service package to help vets save time and streamline the process for Defra Animal Health and Welfare…

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Partnership Facilitates Vet Diagnostic Sample Collection

RAFT Solutions Limited (RAFT) and Personalised Diagnostics Limited (PDX) have announced the formation of their… transformative joint new venture Veterinary Diagnostics Solutions Limited, trademarked VETDX.

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